2019 PGA Golf Expo - save the date - PGA of Australia

2019 PGA Golf Expo – save the date

2019 PGA Golf Expo – save the date

Following the success of the inaugural PGA Golf Expo in 2017, the PGA is pleased to announce the dates and venue for the 2019 PGA Golf Expo.

The 2019 PGA Golf Expo will be held at the magnificent RACV Royal Pines Resort in Queensland from 3-5 September and will once more bring both PGA Members and the wider industry together to learn, engage and entertain.

The Expo will again be held over three days, including sessions focussed on Coaching, Game Development, Small Business and Management, in addition to an exhibition area and indoor and outdoor presentations.

Formal feedback from PGA Member delegates who attended the 2017 PGA Golf Expo was overwhelmingly positive, with a rating of 4.58 out of 5 for overall Expo experience and 4.45 out of 5 for value of education.  The 2019 PGA Golf Expo will look to build upon the success of the 2017 event, while making every effort to incorporate the feedback provided by both PGA Member delegates, Expo exhibitors and other stakeholders.

We encourage all PGA Members to plan for attendance and where applicable discuss attendance as a component of an overall continuing education plan and budget with your employer, golf club or facility.

Further information about the 2019 PGA Golf Expo will be released in the coming months including keynote presenters, opening of registrations, Expo schedule and Expo exhibitors.  We look forward to providing you with updates on a regular basis in relation to your Association’s premier continuing education and networking event.